Here I have mentioned the steps on how to deploy a project to SSMS. The package I have used here is created in my previous blog.

The package I want to deploy is as follows.

SSIS package deployed

Step 01: Create a catalog in SSMS

Right click on the Integration Service Catalog and select Create Catalog.

Create Catalog Step 01_a

Then the wizard for catalog creation appears as follow.

Create Catalog Step01_b

After that enable CLR Integration checkbox in the wizard.  And enable “automatic execution of Integration Services stored procedure at SQL Server startup”.

Leave the name of the catalog database as it is and enter a password for the catalog database.

Then you can see the created database under the “Integration Services Catalogs”.

Create Catalog Step01_c

Right-click the SSISDB database you created then select “Create Folder”.

Create Catalog Step01_d

Provide the Folder name and if you need, add a description.

Create Catalog Step01_e

Then the folder appears with two more sub-folders (Projects and Environments) which in default come with it.

Create Catalog Step01_f

The project subfolder is the place where we deploy our SSIS projects.

Step 02: Deploy Project from SSIS

Right click on the project in SSIS and select Deploy.

Deploy Project Step02_a Right click project

Then the Integration Services Deployment Wizard window appears. Follow the instructions of the Integration Services Deployment Wizard.

Integration Services Deployment Wizard

Provide the server name by browsing through the “Browse” button.

Deploy Project Step02_b

Select your server name either from the Local Server or Network Server tab.

Deploy Project Step02_c


Browse the file path and select the folder, created in the Integration Services Catalog in SSMS.  This is the location where we deploy our project to SSMS.

Deploy Project Step02_d

Then you will see the path as follow.

Deploy Project Step02_e

Follow the instructions of the wizard and finally select deploy.

Deploy Project Step02_f

Then close the window. Go to the SSMS and refresh the SSISDB located under Integration Services Catalogs. Then you will be able to see the deployed project in the Projects subfolder. If you expand the deployed project you will find the packages created in it as follow.

Deploy Project Step02_g

Finally, you have deployed the project.